Updated on August 20, 2024
A phobia is an overwhelming and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or living creature.
While fear is a normal human emotion, phobias are characterised by their irrational and excessive nature. These intense anxieties can significantly impact a person’s daily life, causing avoidance behaviours and significant distress.
Weird phobias are those irrational fears that most people would find peculiar or unusual. They often involve objects, situations, or concepts that don’t typically evoke fear in others. Unlike common phobias like arachnophobia (fear of spiders) or claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces), these phobias are less recognised and sometimes seem bizarre.
Below is a table listing 100 of the weirdest phobias and their meanings:
Phobia | Meaning |
Ablutophobia | The fear of bathing or washing |
Anatidaephobia | Fear of ducks |
Arithmophobia | Fear of numbers |
Arachibutyrophobia | Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. |
Aichmophobia | Fear of needles or pointed objects |
Antophobia | Fear of Flowers |
Bananaphobia | Fear of Bananas |
Bibliophobia | Fear of books |
Bathophobia | Fear of depths |
Botanophobia | Fear of plants |
Chrorophobia | Fear of dancing |
Cacophobia | Fear of Ugliness |
Chirophobia | Fear of hands |
Cibophobia | Fear of Food |
Chronomentrophobia | Fear of clocks |
Decidophobia | Fear of making decisions |
Dendrophobia | Fear of trees |
Dentophobia | Fear of dentists |
Domatophobia | Fear of houses |
Deipnophobia | Fear of Dinning with Others |
Emetophobia | Fear of vomiting |
Epistemophobia | Fear of knowledge |
Equinophobia | Fear of Horses |
Eisoptrophobia | Fear of mirrors |
Ecophobia | Fear of Home |
Erotophobia | Fear of sexual love |
Febriphobia | Fear of Fever |
Francophobia | Fear of France or French people |
Frigophobia | Fear of becoming too cold |
Gamophobia | Fear of Marriage |
Genuphobia | Fear of knees |
Glossophobia | Fear of speaking in public |
Gynophobia | Fear of women |
Gelotophobia | Fear of being laughed at |
Gymnophobia | Fear of Nudity |
Haphephobia | Fear of touch |
Heliophobia | Fear of the sun |
Hemophobia | Fear of blood |
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia | Fear of long words |
Hydrophobia | Fear of water |
Iatrophobia | Fear of doctors |
Insectophobia | Fear of insects |
Iophobia | Fear of poison |
Koinoniphobia | Fear of rooms |
Koumpounphobia | Fear of buttons |
Leukophobia | Fear of the colour white |
Lilapsophobia | Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes |
Lockiophobia | Fear of childbirth |
Mageirocophobia | Fear of cooking |
Megalophobia | Fear of large things |
Microphobia | Fear of Small things |
Mysophobia | Fear of dirt and germs |
Melaphobia | Fear of the colour black |
Monophobia | Fear of being alone |
Necrophobia | Fear of death or dead things |
Nyctophobia | Fear of the night |
Noscomephoba | Fear of hospitals |
Nephophobia | Fear of clouds |
Nephophobia | Fear of clouds |
Neophobia | Fear of new things or change |
Obesephobia | Fear of gaining weight |
Octophobia | Fear of number 8 |
Ombrophobia | Fear of rain |
Ornithophobia | Fear of birds |
Papyrophobia | Fear of birds |
Pathphobia | Fear of diseases |
Pedophobia | Fear of children |
Philematophobia | Fear of Kissing |
Pentaraphobia | Fear of mother-in-law |
Pognophobia | Fear of beards |
Quadrophobia | Fear of number 4 |
Quintaphobia | Fear of number 5 |
Rhabdophobia | Fear of being beaten or punished |
Rhypophobia | Fear of defecation |
Russophobia | Fear of Russians |
Samhainophobia | Fear of Halloween |
Scolionophobia | Fear of School |
Scoptophobia | Fear of being stared at |
Selenophobia | Fear of the moon |
Somniphobia | Fear of sleep |
Tachophobia | Fear of speed |
Technophobia | Fear of technology |
Tonitrophobia | Fear of thunder |
Trypanophobia | Fear of needles and injections |
Trypophobia | Fear of holes |
Triskaidekaphobia | Fear of the number 13 |
Urophobia | Fear of Urine |
Vaccinophobia | Fear of vaccinations |
Venustraphobia | Fear of beautiful women |
Verbophobia | Fear of words |
Verminophobia | Fear of germs |
Vestiphobia | Fear of clothing |
Waloonophobia | Fear of the Waloons |
Wiccaphobia | Fear of witches and witchcraft |
Xenophobia | Fear of strangers or foreigners |
Xantophobia | Fear of the colour yellow |
Xerophobia | Fear of dry things |
Xylophobia | Fear of forests |
Ymophobia | Fear of being contrary |
Zelophobia | Fear of jealousy |
Zoophobia | Fear of animals |
- https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/mental-health/phobias/weird-phobias/#:~:text=1.,are%20extremely%20afraid%20of%20it
- https://kazmobrain.com/a-to-z-strange-and-common-list-of-phobias/#:~:text=Fear%20of%20bacteria-,Barophobia,-%E2%80%93%20Fear%20of%20gravity
- https://www.livescience.com/unusual-phobias-that-actually-exist#:~:text=Bananaphobia%20is%2C%20as%20the%20name,as%20them%20without%20feeling%20nauseated
- https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/mental-health/phobias/list-of-phobias/
- https://www.fearof.net/
- https://psychcentral.com/disorders/list-of-phobias
- https://www.forbes.com/health/mind/list-of-phobias/
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