20 Borderline Personality Disorder Quotes

Updated on May 17, 2024

Borderline Personality Disorder Quotes

Borderline Personality disorder is a mental health condition that influences the way people feel about themselves, making it hard to function properly.

Here are 20 quotes about borderline personality disorder:

1. “People with BPD are like people with third-degree burns over 90% of their bodies. Lacking emotional skin, they feel agony at the slightest touch or movement.

– Marsha M. Linehan

2. “It is as if, my life were magically run by two electric currents; joyous positive and despairing negative – whichever is running at the moment dominates my life, floods it.

Sylvia Plath

3. “Yet I recognize this; Even if anyone in the world were to accept me and my illness and validate my illness, unless I can abide myself and be compassionate toward my distress, I will always feel alone and neglected by others.

Kiera Van Gelder

4. “Thirty seconds of pure awareness is a long time, especially after a lifetime of escaping yourself at all costs.”

– Kiera Van Gelder

5. “The role of the therapist is to reflect the being/accepting self that was never allowed to be on the borderline.”

Michael Adzema

6. “No neurotic harbors thoughts of suicide which are not murderous impulses against others redirected upon himself.”

Sigmund Freud

7. “Imagining that you are deep and complex, but others are simple, is one of the primary signs of malignant selfishness.”

– Stefan Molyneux

8. “Recognizing how even poison is a form of medicine when used correctly.”

Kiera Van Gelder 

9. “Acceptance is the only way out of hell.”

Marsha M. Linehan

10. “There weren’t as many layers between her and the world as there were with the rest of us.”

Renée Knight, Disclaimer

11. “I wondered how you would react when I revealed to you my hidden parts, my ugly parts that don’t do well in the sunlight.”

Ashley Berry, Separate Things: A Memoir

12. “We did not grow up with a lot of money, but we did grow up knowing that mental illness is the norm accepted with badges of honor.”

Luis Trivino, A notebook of Love: My note on Mental Health

13. “I know how bored and restless you must feel when you have no one on whom to focus your passion.”

Mishell Baker, Borderline

14. “I don’t think that the instant desperate attachment Borderlines feel counts as love, but I had never felt any other kind of love, so I didn’t know.”

– Mishell Baker, Borderline

15. “You have mastered the art of protecting your conscience while completely masking your soul.”

– Angel Foxx, Poetic Turbulence

16. “Therapists hear horrifying stories of child abuse that never make the headlines. The media seem drawn to stories about children who die as if the suffering of those who survive is any less terrifying.”

― Christine Ann Lawson, Understanding The Borderline Mother

17. “Borderlines may destroy what is good and loved by their children because they are intensely jealous of the loved object.”

― Christine Ann Lawson, Understanding The Borderline Mother

18. “I have never been diagnosed with anything, I have self-diagnosed myself with multiple personality disorder.”

– Trisha Paytas

19. “You are a warrior in a dark forest, with no compass, and are unable to tell who the actual enemy is, So you never feel safe ..

– Anonymous

20. “It is rare for even adult children to abandon their mother, regardless of how many times their mother has abandoned them.”

― Christine Ann Lawson, Understanding The Borderline Mother

>> Read more on How To Support Someone With Borderline Personality Disorder

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